Eat that frog with Pomodoro

Shahzaib Saeed
1 min readJan 2, 2021

Time administration may be a key ability to attain a victory in life. I’m not a really devoted individual and can’t continuously work with my temperament without any time check. But after knowing the strategy of Pomodoro, I realized its significance in life. As per instruction, I attempted to cover my assignment with the assistance of a time check. I illuminate this blame with time check with the assistance of Pomodoro strategy and note all the diversions whom I am working on. I sort out the delay time of my working. Here are a few key points that need focus to better understand.

  1. Select a task you would like to complete.
  2. Divide into milestones.
  3. Set the timer for 25 min.
  4. Work on a chore until the time end.
  5. When the time ends, checks the box on the paper.
  6. Note the distractions.
  7. Try to minimize them.
  8. Repeat the process again.

I will try this methodology on daily life patterns.

I’ll try to improve it by avoiding distractions. It has many benefits such as:

  1. Full concentration on work.

2. Complete work in less time.

3. Mentally relaxed.

4. More Productive.

